Friday, November 7, 2008

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Appropriation has been a sensitive topic in art for years. To me appropriation is okay when your work can stand on its own. It is not if the artwork you're using makes your work. Art is all about expressing yourself and how you interpret the world. However, in today's culture people are coping other artist's artwork and changing them slightly by calling it their own. I don't think I would take this problem to an extreme as placing a law on it but it should be a known  faux pas or a unwritten law to respect fellow artists. Appropriation is appropriate when doing practices or lessons on a certain subject. Altering other artist's work for experimenting is definitely okay and should be done to help develop your success as an artist. I do not think it's appropriate when you take a known artwork and display it to the public as  your own. Appropriation can in some way count as its own form of art. For collaging it is definitely necessary to have influences or other photos and materials from other artists, however your collage should look nothing like the original work and it should have your own personal touch to it. If every artist copy off one another there would be no originality left in art. There should be a happy medium with appropriation. I no i am personally influenced by other painters and it helps me develop further as a painter. But i would be personally hurt if someone used my ideas and called them their own. I am on the fence about appropriation. I think if it is done with respect and class then it could possibly work.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Friday, October 17, 2008

Friday, October 10, 2008

Friday, October 3, 2008

Friday, September 26, 2008

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Inspiring Image 2

Andy Warhol has such a unique taste.

He inspires me becasue he was the

central figure of "pop art." Andy wasnt

afraid to experiment and create, he

took risks and i think thats an important

quality to have as an artist.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Inspiring image

Nelson Shanks inspires
me when it comes
to my artwork. I love how
he has such a classical
feel to his painting and
makes them come to life.
The way he handles his
paint really makes the color
pop. What attracts me to
his paintings is the
different objects that he
places with the model.
You can always find
a story within the painting.

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